首页相约枫叶红 第60页


    雪丽:Welcome to our Elephant Crossing, Calgary Zoo. My name is Sherry. (欢迎来到我们卡尔加里动物园的大象走廊。我叫雪丽。)
    老肥姐上前跟雪丽握手:Hi, Sherry. My name is FatJane. (你好,雪丽。我的名字叫肥姐。)
    老瘦哥挤上前:My name is ShawGore. (我的名字叫瘦哥。)
    雪丽跟老肥姐和老瘦哥握手:Nice to meet you. (见到你们很高兴。)(继续讲解:)Look at that elephant in bath. Do you know she is the Canadarsquo;s Most Famous Animal (看那头正在洗澡的大象。你们知道她是加拿大最著名的动物rdquo;吗?)
    老肥姐:I know. She is a singer. (我知道,她是一个歌唱家。)
    雪丽:Actually, this is the first time that I know Kamala is a singer. Yes, her name is Kamala, which means \quot;Lotus Flower.\quot; Before she came to Canada and became famous, Kamala had a sad story. She was born in Sri Lanka\'s Yala National Park in 1975. She became an orphaned about three months after her birth and was found in an abandoned well. Through a cooperative effort with the Sri Lankan government, Kamala, and two other Asian elephants orphaned around same time, were brought to Calgary Zoo in 1976. In 1986 and 1990, she gave birth to her two children Chanda and Maharani hellip;(其实,这是我第一次知道卡玛拉是一个歌唱家。对了,她的名字叫卡玛拉,意思是荷花rdquo;。在他来到加拿大成名之前,她有一个悲伤的故事。1975年她出生在斯里兰卡的亚拉国家公园里,但是,三个月后就成了孤儿,被人发现掉进了一口废井里。1976年,在斯里兰卡政府的协助下,卡玛拉和另外两头孤儿大象来到了卡尔加里的动物园。此后在1986年和1990年,卡玛拉生下了两个孩子:畅达和马哈拉尼hellip;hellip;)
    游客甲:I know why Kamala is famous. (我知道为什么卡玛拉出名。)
    数名游客:Why (为什么?)
    游客甲大声:Because she gave birth to two bay elephants in Canada! (因为它为加拿大生了两头小象!)
    老肥姐瞪了老瘦哥一眼:是,是什么啊?不生孩子就不英雄啦?I donrsquo;t think so! (我认为不是这样!)
    雪丽笑:Okay, wersquo;ll know the answer soon. Please look at these pictures on the walls. (好,我们马上就知道答案了。请看墙上的画。)
    雪丽:You may think they are just baby drawings. But they arenrsquo;thellip;(你们可能会认为这是婴儿画,但其实不是hellip;hellip;)
    老肥姐:They are Kamalarsquo;s pieces of work! (这是卡玛拉的大作!)
    雪丽:Oh, Jane. You won! (噢,简,你赢了。)
    老肥姐对卡玛拉飞吻:I love you, Kamala. (我爱你,卡玛拉!)
    雪丽从辛笛儿手中接过那半张卡片,跟她自己手中的卡片对在一起,成了一张完整的卡玛拉的画《水草中的鱼》(Fish in the Weeds)。
    游客甲:Can we watch Kamala when she is painting (我们能看卡玛拉画画吗?)
    雪丽神色焦急,强装笑脸:We canrsquo;t tell Kamala to paint. Everything is up to her. Unfortunately, Kamala doesnrsquo;t seem in the mood for painting at the moment. I am sorry for that. (我们不能叫卡玛拉画画。任何事都是随她的心意。不巧的是,现在卡玛拉好像没有心情作画。非常抱歉。)
    男饲养员惊喜:Sherry, Kamala wants to paint! (雪丽,卡玛拉想画画了!)
    雪丽舒了口气,将辛笛儿推到男饲养员面前:Go with him! (跟他走!)
    雪丽将杰克拦住:Sorry, sir! Only one of our guests is allowed in Kamalarsquo;s studio so that she is not distracted while working. The rest of us, please come with me to the TV room. Wersquo;ll watch Kamalarsquo;s painting through CCTV. (对不起,先生!卡玛拉的画室只允许我们的一位客人进去,为的是不干扰她的工作。其他人请跟我到电视房,通过闭路电视观看卡玛拉画画。)

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