首页Poems and Songs of Robert Burns A Rose-Bud By My Early Walk

A Rose-Bud By My Early Walk

    a rose-bud by my early walk
    a rose-bud by my early walk,
    adown a corn-enclosed bawk,
    sae gently bent its thorny stalk,
    all on a dewy morning.
    ere twice the shades o' dawn are fled,
    in a' its crimson glory spread,
    and drooping rich the dewy head,
    it scents the early morning.
    within the bush her covert nest
    a little linnet fondly prest;
    the dew sat chilly on her breast,
    sae early in the morning.
    she soon shall see her tender brood,
    the pride, the pleasure o' the wood,
    amang the fresh green leaves bedew'd,
    awake the early morning.
    so thou, dear bird, young jeany fair,
    on trembling string or vocal air,
    shall sweetly pay the tender care
    that tents thy early morning.
    so thou, sweet rose-bud, young and gay,
    shalt beauteous blaze upon the day,
    and bless the parent's evening ray
    that watch'd thy early morning.

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