首页Poems and Songs of Robert Burns Duncan Davison

Duncan Davison

    duncan davison
    there was a lass, they ca'd her meg,
    and she held o'er the moors to spin;
    there was a lad that follow'd her,
    they ca'd him duncan davison.
    the moor was dreigh, and meg was skeigh,
    her favour duncan could na win;
    for wi' the rock she wad him knock,
    and aye she shook the temper-pin.
    as o'er the moor they lightly foor,
    a burn was clear, a glen was green,
    upon the banks they eas'd their shanks,
    and aye she set the wheel between:
    but duncan swoor a haly aith,
    that meg should be a bride the morn;
    then meg took up her spinning-graith,
    and flang them a' out o'er the burn.
    we will big a wee, wee house,
    and we will live like king and queen;
    sae blythe and merry's we will be,
    when ye set by the wheel at e'en.
    a man may drink, and no be drunk;
    a man may fight, and no be slain;
    a man may kiss a bonie lass,
    and aye be welcome back again!

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