首页Poems and Songs of Robert Burns The Deuks Dang Oer My Daddie

The Deuks Dang Oer My Daddie

    the deuks dang o'er my daddie
    the bairns gat out wi' an unco shout,
    the deuks dang o'er my daddie, o!
    the fien-ma-care, quo' the feirrie auld wife,
    he was but a paidlin' body, o!
    he paidles out, and he paidles in,
    rn' he paidles late and early, o!
    this seven lang years i hae lien by his side,
    an' he is but a fusionless carlie, o.
    o haud your tongue, my feirrie auld wife,
    o haud your tongue, now nansie, o:
    i've seen the day, and sae hae ye,
    ye wad na ben sae donsie, o.
    i've seen the day ye butter'd my brose,
    and cuddl'd me late and early, o;
    but downa-do's come o'er me now,
    and oh, i find it sairly, o!

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