首页Poems and Songs of Robert Burns Young Jamie, Pride Of A The Plain

Young Jamie, Pride Of A The Plain

    young jamie, pride of a' the plain
    tune—“the carlin of the glen.”
    young jamie, pride of a' the plain,
    sae gallant and sae gay a swain,
    thro' a' our lasses he did rove,
    and reign'd resistless king of love.
    but now, wi' sighs and starting tears,
    he strays amang the woods and breirs;
    or in the glens and rocky caves,
    his sad complaining dowie raves:—
    “i wha sae late did range and rove,
    and chang'd with every moon my love,
    i little thought the time was near,
    repentance i should buy sae dear.
    “the slighted maids my torments see,
    and laugh at a' the pangs i dree;
    while she, my cruel, scornful fair,
    forbids me e'er to see her mair.”

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