首页Poems and Songs of Robert Burns O Steer Her Up An Haud Her Gaun

O Steer Her Up An Haud Her Gaun

    o steer her up an' haud her gaun
    o steer her up, an' haud her gaun,
    her mither's at the mill, jo;
    an' gin she winna tak a man,
    e'en let her tak her will, jo.
    first shore her wi' a gentle kiss,
    and ca' anither gill, jo;
    an' gin she tak the thing amiss,
    e'en let her flyte her fill, jo.
    o steer her up, an' be na blate,
    an' gin she tak it ill, jo,
    then leave the lassie till her fate,
    and time nae langer spill, jo:
    ne'er break your heart for ae rebute,
    but think upon it still, jo:
    that gin the lassie winna do't,
    ye'll find anither will, jo.

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