首页Poems and Songs of Robert Burns Young Jockie Was The Blythest Lad

Young Jockie Was The Blythest Lad

    young jockie was the blythest lad
    young jockie was the blythest lad,
    in a' our town or here awa;
    fu' blythe he whistled at the gaud,
    fu' lightly danc'd he in the ha'.
    he roos'd my een sae bonie blue,
    he roos'd my waist sae genty sma';
    an' aye my heart cam to my mou',
    when ne'er a body heard or saw.
    my jockie toils upon the plain,
    thro' wind and weet, thro' frost and snaw:
    and o'er the lea i leuk fu' fain,
    when jockie's owsen hameward ca'.
    an' aye the night comes round again,
    when in his arms he taks me a';
    an' aye he vows he'll be my ain,
    as lang's he has a breath to draw.

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