首页Poems and Songs of Robert Burns The Banks Of Nith

The Banks Of Nith

    the banks of nith
    the thames flows proudly to the sea,
    where royal cities stately stand;
    but sweeter flows the nith to me,
    where comyns ance had high command.
    when shall i see that honour'd land,
    that winding stream i love so dear!
    must wayward fortune's adverse hand
    for ever, ever keep me here!
    how lovely, nith, thy fruitful vales,
    where bounding hawthorns gaily bloom;
    and sweetly spread thy sloping dales,
    where lambkins wanton through the broom.
    tho' wandering now must be my doom,
    far from thy bonie banks and braes,
    may there my latest hours consume,
    amang the friends of early days!

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